Desktop Backup Client

Using the Desktop Sync Client | Set up a new Vault Sync | Using the Desktop BACKUP Client


The Encrypted Work Desktop Backup clients allow you to back up all files in an encrypted vault to a local Desktop Computer.

To configure a backup connection you need a one time Desktop Sync Connection code. 

To get your one time code open the Vault you will be backing up and click "Share & SYNC" in the left hand menu, next click the button labelled "Add Desktop Backup" - give the backup a name and click OK. The page will refresh and you will be able to copy the sync code to the clipboard.

The Desktop Sync Connection is a code such as obfs31asqa0alfaagjs

The Backup client is a Menu Bar Application. Menu bar apps live in the top-right corner of your Mac’s screen - you will see the Encrypted Work Icon and clicking this gives you access to the Application menu.

Once you have a sync code and have installed the Sync Client for your device it will appear in your Menu Bar Apps, launch the Sync Client and select Configuration from the Main Menu. (see screenshot below)

Copy and paste in the sync code and click the Set-up now button, your code will be verified, and the connection between your device and the Encrypted Vault established. (see screenshot below)

The local backup folder will automatically be opened in Mac Finder, Windows Explorer, etc (depending on the operating system on your device / PC)

Note you can also access the Local Backup folder at any time via the Menu \ Open Local Backup Folder.

You can now backup all files from the Vault to your local computer by clicking the Menu option labeled "Backup Now"

Note for security ONLY encrypted files with a .encrypted file extension will be downloaded. If you need to decrypt the files that have been downloaded to the local computer carry out the following:

Open the Vault in the web browser that you have backed up

Select "Remove Keys" from the left hand menu

Open your special key store vault called "Secure Key Store"

Find the decyption key file for the vault and from the actions menu select "Download and Decrypt"

Save the file in the root directory of the location where the Vault files have been downloaded on your computer (you can find this via the "Open local sync folder" menu option

Now you select the "Decrypt Local Files" menu option in the Desktop Backup Application and all files will be decrypted